Trash Folder

iManage Share enables you to recover documents and folders that you have deleted. The deleted items are stored in the Trash folder and can be restored to the previous or new location on iManage Share. However, all the shared folder management abilities are governed by the allocated access level. For more information, see User Access Levels.


Documents and folders deleted from the Trash folder cannot be recovered.

Moving a Document or Folder to Trash Folder

  1. Hover over a document and select the images/download/thumbnails/5052977/Trash_Icon.png icon. (Optional) Right-click the document or folder and select images/download/thumbnails/5052977/Move_to_Trash.png , or open it and select images/download/thumbnails/5052977/More_Actions.png > images/download/thumbnails/5052977/Move_to_Trash.png at the top.
    The selected document or folder is moved to the Trash folder.

  2. To move multiple documents and folders to Trash folder, select the check boxes next to each of them and select the images/download/thumbnails/5052977/Trash_Icon.png icon at the top.


Only users with Owner or Co-Owner access can move documents and folders to Trash folder.

If a Co-Owner moves a Shared folder or its content to the Trash folder, only the Owner of the Shared folder can restore it to the Company View page.


The Moved by details are displayed in the Trash folder.

Restoring a Document or Folder from the Trash Folder

  1. Select images/download/thumbnails/5052977/Trash_Folder.png on the side bar to open the Trash folder.

  2. Point to the document or folder that you want to restore, and select the images/download/thumbnails/5052977/Restore_Trash_icon.png icon. (Optional) Right-click the document, and select images/download/thumbnails/5052977/Restore_From_Trash.png .
    The Choose target folder screen that enables you to select the destination is displayed.

  3. Select RESTORE.
    The selected document or folder is restored to the selected destination in iManage Share.

Emptying the Trash Folder

  1. Select images/download/thumbnails/5052977/Trash_Folder.png on the side bar to open the Trash folder.

  2. Select Empty Trash at the top.
    A warning message is displayed and if you confirm, the contents of the Trash folder are deleted.


When you empty the Trash folder, the contents are permanently deleted from iManage Share and cannot be recovered.


Administrators can now schedule an automatic deletion of content that has been in the users Trash folder for more than 30 days. Administrators must notify the users if this feature is activated to enable them to restore any item(s) from their Trash folder.

All the content in the users Trash folder is eligible for deletion 30 days from when the Auto Delete feature is enabled. This does not prevent the users from manually emptying the Trash folder (if required).